Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Time for another ROW80 check-in.  I've been managing to keep up with the check-ins but haven't been getting to as many blogs as I'd like to these past few weeks.  NaNoWriMo eats up a lot of time.

We're in the last few days of November now, and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I have about 9,000 words to write in the next three days.  This is something I can do.  It's getting started each session, getting the first few words down that's always hard for me, but once I start the words flow.  So this isn't an excessive amount for me.  So I'm expecting a NaNo win.

But honestly, I'm really looking forward to December and getting to the end of the story.  I'm seeing some things that are missing, some things that need to be tighter and stronger, some things that need to be added.  I really want to get to the end of this story so I can go back and make it good.  And I'm looking forward to December 1 because I'm planning to give myself some time during the first few days of the month to do some reworking and deepening of my outline, such as it is.  I'm really excited to dive into that and get to some bits that I really didn't understand or know about until now.

Oh!  And today I figured out how my ending is going to happen.  I had a loose idea of what needed to happen, but no idea how to make it happen plausibly.  And today I got it.  So I'm really looking forward to getting those intermediate bits in place to make my ending come about.

I have to remember to come back to this excitement within myself after November, when I don't have to rush of writing with thousands of other people to keep me pushing forward.  But this time I think I have a good chance of sticking with this and getting to the end.  Especially now that I have such a cool ending planned.


Laura said...

Yay, Kim!

I'm so excited to see that you have plans for immediately post-NaNo. I can't wait to read this book. :)

Laura said...

Keep going. You can do it. I was struggling with mine so I promised myself the new Layton DS game if I finished in time. It really helped the motivation. :) xx

Stephanie said...

Kudos to you!

Sounds like you're actually looking forward to the "dreaded" edit. Good for you.

Have a great week.


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