Sunday, July 10, 2011

Blood Orange Tea

Today I went on my first artist date for my TAW work.  I went to a local yarn store, Twisted, where I overloaded my senses looking at and touching dozens of skeins of gorgeous yarn, looked at dozens of patterns, and drank a cold glass of blood orange iced tea.  Honestly, I'm not sure which part of that was the best, but the blood orange tea was definitely an unexpected pleasure.

New project bag and fortune cookie accessory holder with some yarns from my stash
I haven't been doing my morning/daily pages the past few days.  I plan to do a little tonight before bed to get me back to it--my goal will be to just do some writing.  I'll get back to an actual page count tomorrow.  But weekends make it so easy to get off track!

As for the artist date, I had a good time, but when I was getting ready to go I felt really odd about it.  I'm not even sure why.  If I had just been going over there to do some shopping, I can't imagine I would have felt odd.  So why did calling it an artist date make me feel odd about it?  Maybe I am still not comfortable with the "artist" title?  This is something I'll have to look at a little more closely.

This coming week I have a lot of writing planned, but I also plan to do a couple of the exercises from Chapter 1, so I'm sure I'll have things to say about that later.

Now, about those weekend pictures I promised from last week.  Here's one of my favorites--Oregon Coast, Battle Rock City Park:

You can see the rest of the photos here: Oregon Coast Trip July, 2011

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