Sunday, June 03, 2012

Stumbling Along

It's Sunday, so time for a ROW80 check-in, but I don't have anything to report.  These past few days have been full and at the same time sort of blank.  Empty pages waiting to be filled.

I got so much done over the past few days, but none of it was ROW80 related.  I've written my newsletter, and created the sign-in and basic info pages for my first free teleconference, Midsummer's Muse.  I met with a friend I haven't seen in eight months, bought clothes and shoes for my vacation next month, did a lot of reading from The Right Brain Business Plan.  Oh yeah, and signed up to participate in Liz Lamoureux's Inner Excavate-along because I keep wanting to delve into her beautiful book, Inner Excavation, and haven't yet managed to give myself the time and space.

I've been doing a lot, and I let my writing slide.  But I'm not feeling bad about it.  I am missing my story, though, so I think tomorrow is going to be a big writing day for me.  And some homework, too, of course, but definitely a writing day. 

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