Sunday, May 13, 2012

Down by the Lazy River

Another lazy couple of days.  It's time for a ROW80 check-in, and I'm nearly too lethargic to type.

I did check in on several of my ROW80 friends' blogs this time around.  I've been writing a bit, some story work but also on some class work, so I'm not as far along on this week's 52 Stories piece as I thought I'd be.

Not a terrible week, but rather unfocused.  Some of that is probably because the temperature shot up over the past couple of days.  Sudden temperature shifts always seem to leave me a little fuzzy.  I also got a new Samsung tablet, and I've been spending a little too much time fiddling with it, setting up apps and things, so pretty much everything else this week has gotten short shrift.

Tonight I will spend some quality time with my story notebook, and I will make a point to do the same tomorrow and Tuesday so I'm not frantically trying to finish a story on Wednesday.

See you at the next check-in!

1 comment:

Gene Lempp said...

Looks like you had a good week. Totally with you on the weather, it finally stopped raining here which means having to catch up on yard work.

Have a fantastic week, Kim :)

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