Monday, January 02, 2012

Ding Ding Ding!

That's the starting bell!

Today is the start of Round 1 of ROW80 for 2012, and I am excited!  And ready! I have goals.  I have plans.  Most importantly of all, I have a community.  I love knowing there are other writers working by my side, striving for their goals as I reach for mine.  I love knowing that we are all looking out for one another.  Here's to a great round, you guys!

My goals for this round:

Goals for writing:
  • Finish synopsis/outline
  • Finish first draft
  • Do a first pass revision 
  • Line up first reader(s) and get book to them
I'm a little uncertain about what happens after that last bit.  What do I do while I'm waiting for my book to come back from my readers?  Do I just do writing practice to hone my general writing skills? I'll need to figure that out.  I'm also leaving myself flexible on those last two as I'm not entirely sure there will be that much time this round.  Those may go into Round 2, but I'll decide that later. 

Goals for everything else:
  • Exercise for at least 10 minutes 4 days a week
  • Create a list of mini areas in the house to clean
  • Clean at least one mini area each week
  • Create a weekly maintenance plan to keep the house tidy/keep the cleaned sections from backsliding
  • At least once a week do something for fun/relaxation/entertainment--read some fiction; put on a movie or tv show and knit or embroider; go on a photo walk; go to a movie; meet a friend for lunch/dinner/coffee; go to knit night; work in my art journal, and so on
I want to add a billion things!  I'm not going to.  Little goals, little steps, no overwhelm.  If I'm not overwhelmed, I won't quit.  Or at least I'll have a better chance of sticking with it. So this will do.  It may actually be too much, but this was the minimum that I could make myself pare things down to.

Kait at ROW80 talks about your test mile in the goal setting post linked above. It's the amount of writing (or running or exercise or whatever) you do to test whether or not you're going to go further that day or skip it until tomorrow.  I'm going to set my test mile at 500 words.  I can do 500 words pretty easily even if I'm stressed or sick or ultra busy, but it shouldn't be too short to keep me from finding out if I can hit my stride that day and keep going.

This is getting awfully long, isn't it?  I'll wrap up with this week's plans to help me reach my goal.  I'm not going to break it down by writing and everything else; I'm just clumping it all together the way life is.

My plans for this week:
  • Finish synopsis/outline
  • Write my house areas list
  • Get exercise videos moved onto the front room computer
  • Get exercise clothes (don't forget the socks!) all into one place
  • Do something for fun
That's it.  See you Wednesday for the mid-week check-in.  Happy New Year and happy writing!


Yolanda Early said...

So glad to be back too. Didn't realize how much I was longing for a community until last round. Your goals seem nice and attainable (just as they should be). Let's do it!

Eden Mabee said...

Hi, Kim. It does seem that there should be a sense of "What Next?" to look forward to after the challenge is over, but I guess that's part of writing... Unless one decides to drop the practice completely, there is always something new to write. Good luck to you for the next 80...I mean, 79 days.

Shan Jeniah Burton said...

Very nice. They seem just right, with the emphasis on not creating overwhelm....

Don't forget that the writing can be a fun thing, too! =D

I also felt like adding more - and I may, if I hit a good and joyful stride in the first week or three...

I am not doing test miles, mostly because I am coming at this from the perspective that this writing and these goals are gifts I am giving myself. It's something fulfilling I can do on breaks from hometending and family business....

alberta ross said...

all sound very do'able - and not at all overwhelming - so many things we can all add to our lists:)
all the best with this week

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Your goals sound great! And as an idea while the book is out being read - maybe start planning your next book?

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