Wednesday, November 09, 2011

What's In a Name?

It's ROW80 check-in time again.  Already. Who is stealing all my time?!  (November makes me a little time crazy, even more so than usual.)

A rose...not actually by any other name

First my check-in.  According to my little word count widget over there on the right, I am 13% to my goal of 65,000 words on my novel by December 22.  I'm not exactly sure how many percentages I'm supposed to write every day to make that goal, but I feel like I'm pretty well on target.  I'm behind on the NaNoWriMo word count, but I have a good plan in place for catching up by the end of Sunday, and the writing is finally starting to some flow and some speed to it, so I'm not worried about where I am.

I've been using a trick I learned a few years ago from reading an article by Sue Grafton.  She said that she keeps a notebook, and before she writes every day, she writes down what she's going to write about (wow, that seems really complicated--I hope that made sense).  I have done this in an actual notebook in the past, and I've done it a few different ways.  The first try was writing a mini-essay about what that day's writing would involve, but that didn't quite work right for me.  After that, I tried listing the next several scenes using a one sentence description for each scene.  That was a little better, but sometimes I didn't know what all needed to be in a scene. 

Now, I'm doing two things differently.  First, I'm writing my list on the computer so I have it to look back on more easily while I'm writing.  Second, I'm writing a brief description of my scene, but then I'm making a list of things I want to have happen in that scene.  This seems to be working really well for me, so I'm going to keep with it as long as it's still useful.

Now, about those names...The love interest hasn't shown up yet in my story, but I know he's coming.  I know he's out there with his lack of a name I really like that really seems to fit him.  And it's nagging at me.  Who is this guy?  I know what he looks like.  I know all about his really cool antique motorcycle that he restored himself.  I know so much about him.  Why won't he tell me his name?  He's coming up scene after next!  So far he's been Cody and Dylan with a brief stint as Brad (he's really not a Brad!).  I am starting to think he's doing this on purpose, and he'd better knock it off, or I'm going to wreck his fancy motorcycle.

And with that, I'm going to go check in and say hi to a few of my fellow ROW80-ers, and then it's writing time for me.


Unknown said...

Congratulations on staying on target. Glad to hear your writing is coming along. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

*cradles your missing time* "Precious. We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious." hehe.. *cough* It almost sounds like you're outlining, sorta. I feel you on the character name. His name will come eventually. Don't try to force it.

Barbara McDowell said...

Ha ha ha. I love that you are threatening your male love interest character. Great job with your goals and with knowing your pacing and how you will catch up by Sunday.

Anonymous said...

The love interest's name is Dyson Bradford. (Or not.) ;)

Good luck with your NaNo catch up. :)

Dawn Luellan said...

Sounds like you're doing a FINE job, Kim! And don't worry about being behind on NaNo. I am too, but there's still plenty of time! Good luck on catching up this weekend. You CAN do it!

I do like the idea of writing notes down regarding the day's writing. One thing that I've come across that has been really helpful for me is filling as much of the following as I am able before writing the scene:










It really helps to keep me on track. I think between that and your suggestion... It would be a GREAT combination that I'm definitely going to give a go this week.

Thank you for sharing your process! I always love coming across new tips and tricks.

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Lol at last paragraph. He´s got a mischievious character, hasn´t he?

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