Sunday, December 05, 2010

Post-NaNo Plans

Just a quick note to send out to my writing friends who want to continue our adventure now that November and NaNoWriMo are over.

For December, let's keep the Twitter chatting going on using the hashtag #writeallyear.  I wanted to switch away from the #NaNoPDX tag and other NaNo specific tags we were using because some people who didn't do NaNo would like to have some writing company throughout the year.  This doesn't mean we will do away with #NaNoPDX or any of the others.  The PDX version will still be great for planning local meetings, write-ins, etc. But I wanted to create something that is more generic.

So, what are we going to do with this?  Post monthly goals, post progress, cheer each other on. Pretty much the same stuff we did in November. 

Later this month, I will be unveiling a new website (I hope) that will give us member profile pages and other things we can use in addition to the Twitter chat, but I didn't want to wait for that to be up and running to put something in place. Don't want to lose that momentum!

So, after you read this, let us know your December goals either here in the comments or on Twitter or both.  I'll let you know when the next phase is ready to go.

Meanwhile, keep writing!

(My December goal: 15,000 words; trying to be realistic and plan for the holiday crazies.)


Jenni Merritt said...

Hey! Since I am horrible at twitter... (still don't fully understand the hashtag things and all that) I will just comment here!

I "finished" my first draft, but have notes upon notes of things to go in an add or change. This December...I begin that part of the adventure!

I can't wait to see this new website you mentioned! Keep up the awesome writing :)

Kim Switzer said...


Congratulations on the finished first draft! That's awesome.

Twitter has been a pretty fabulous for keeping in touch with fellow writers once I figured it out. Let me know if you want some links to info on using it at some point.

I'll keep you posted on the new website.

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